10 research outputs found

    Modeling and Simulation in an Educational Context: Teaching and Learning Sciences

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    In science education, there is a need to evaluate the behavior of dynamic systems. Representing and explaining processes through educational models or simulations enables students to perform activities where it is easier to understand these processes and discover the essential properties of a system. Performing modeling or simulation activities that promote interpretation and understanding of systems are learning activities in which students have the ability to create and test their own perceptions of a given phenomenon. Although such activities enhance the development of skills such as reflection, decision making, creativity and generalization, the use of these activities in educational contexts is very sporadic. The difficulties teachers experience in using this type of activity relate to the types of models that are usually used to represent a system, the specificities needed to represent them, the degree of complexity of modeling and simulation tools to do so, and the lack of preparedness to implement practical research activities. In this research, we present the Modeling for Kids methodology to support the development of georeferenced multisensory modeling and simulation activities for the first cycle of Basic Education. This methodology lists a set of norms that aim to advise the teacher and the student in the accomplishment of these activities. The methodology identifies the strategies, contexts of use, and curriculum areas where these activities can be inserted. It also identifies the processes of analysis and representation of dynamic systems. Due to the importance and advantages of georeferenced multisensory information in learning, the methodology also prescribes that teachers and students use this type of information in modeling and simulation activities

    El juego como estrategia didáctica en la formación del profesorado en TIC y discapacidad

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    En los últimos años se ha avanzado bastante al analizar las TIC como instrumentos significativos que favorecen la inclusión de las personas con diferentes tipos de diversidad cognitivas, sensoriales, o motóricas. A pesar de que existen prácticas de calidad vinculadas al uso de las TIC y cada vez un mayor interés en el uso educativo de estas herramientas tecnológicas, sigue existiendo una gran preocupación por resolver las diferentes dificultades en competencia digital que presentan los docentes, y más aún en contextos de diversidad. Por tanto, el profesorado se configura como un elemento clave para lograr una plena inclusión de las TIC en las aulas. Realizar un diagnóstico en relación con la formación y conocimiento del profesorado de Educación Primaria, en activo, en relación con las TIC aplicadas a personas con diversidad funcional. Diseño de investigación de corte cualitativo, desarrollado desde el enfoque de la Grounded Theory. La información se ha obtenido a partir del análisis de 52 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales del sector educativo del estado español (miembros de equipos directivos, coordinadores TIC, directores y asesores tecnológicos de centros de formación). Cabe destacar que los participantes reconocen, de forma precisa, los beneficios que aportan estas herramientas tecnológicas al alumnado con diversidad funcional y el juego como herramienta didáctica. Se destaca la baja capacitación del profesorado para aplicar las TIC a las personas con discapacidad. El juego se presenta como una estrategia de primer orden para aplicación de las TIC al alumnado con discapacidad.The game as a didactic strategy in teacher training in ICT and disability. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in analyzing ICTs as significant instruments that favor the inclusion of people with different types of cognitive, sensory, or motor diversity. Although there are quality practices linked to the use of ICT and an increasing interest in the educational use of these technological tools, there is still a great concern to solve the different difficulties in digital competence that teachers present, and even more in contexts of diversity. Therefore, teachers are configured as a key element to achieve full inclusion of ICT in the classroom. To carry out a diagnosis in relation to the training and knowledge of Primary School teachers, in active employment, in relation to ICT applied to people with functional diversity. Qualitative research design, developed from the Grounded Theory approach. The information has been obtained from the analysis of 52 interviews conducted with professionals in the education sector of the Spanish state (members of management teams, ICT coordinators, directors and technological advisors of training centers). It should be noted that the participants accurately recognize the benefits that these technological tools bring to students with functional diversity and play as a teaching tool. The low training of teachers to apply ICT to people with disabilities stands out. The game is presented as a first order strategy for the application of ICT to students with disabilities

    New trends in education: the use of ICT in different ways

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    In the 21st century and due to the exponential growth of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), people live in a technological age, in all areas and in all contexts, we have daily contact with technology, with access to Information. This dynamic requires a constant update of the services and technological tools that change the method that we study, work, communicate and socialize on an unprecedented scale. These constant changes force everyone, regardless of age, gender or profession, to possess a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as information literacy, media literacy and technological literacy. The evolution of technologies, forces the promoters of education, to always be aware of the changes that society is introducing outside the classroom. Today, students don't have the same pattern as before, regardless of age, they are very active and are no longer the same introverted child who studied a few years ago in the classroom. According to this, students are eager for different forms of motivation inside and outside the classroom, they need the learning and teaching process to move along with changes in society and ICT. To ensure the success of today's students, it is important to provide them with the technological skills to make the correct use of ICTs, to perform tasks essential to their learning process, such as researching and selecting information, creating content, information sharing, use of collaboration tools or environment simulation tools. The main objective of this chapter is to show how ICT tools that can be used in educational environments to help students, helping them develop key skills in their training process, is also relevant to show how these tools can help teachers achieve these goals in daily activities with their students

    TIC y discapacidad. Principales barreras para la formación del profesorado

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    Este artículo, teniendo como problemática la Formación Permanente de los Maestros españoles en relación con las TIC aplicadas a personas con discapacidad, analiza las principales barreras para el desarrollo de planes de formación del profesorado y aquellos aspectos que se consideran prioritarios en dicha formación. En la parte empírica del estudio se analizaron 241 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales del sector educativo del estado español (miembros de equipos directivos, coordinadores TIC, directores y asesores tecnológicos de centros de formación del profesorado). Entre las conclusiones podemos destacar que las principales barreras que obstaculizan la realización de actividades de formación de TIC y discapacidad en la mayoría de las comunidades Autónomas vienen determinadas en primer lugar por factores económicos, de tiempo y de actitud del profesorado.Plan Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia 2013-2016 DIFOTICYD EDU2016 75232-

    “The Hour of the Code”: Computational thinking workshop in a primary school in Guarda, Portugal

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    In recent years, there has been an increased effort to introduce coding and computational thinking in early childhood education. In accordance with the international trend, programming has become an increasingly growing focus in European education. The idea of introducing computer programming in the classroom dates back to the late 1960s. The introduction of programming language provides an opportunity to engage in logical and abstract thinking, problem solving, and the creative design process. One of the best-known initiatives is The Hour of Code. This initiative is being implemented in 180 countries and more than 700 million students have participated. The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify “code,” to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. This article describes a workshop held under the “The Hour of the Code” initiative and implemented in the primary schools of Guarda, Portugal. The activity took place at the school and lasted two hours. Students from the first to the fourth grade participated, with ages ranging from 6-11 years. The teachers of the activity were university professors of computer engineering and students of computer engineering

    New trends in ICT regarding education

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    In the 21st century and because of the exponential growth of the Internet and Information Communication Technologies (ICT), people lived in a technological age, in all areas and in all contexts, we have daily contact with technology, with access to information, linked to it, we have a constant update of technological services and tools that change the method we study, work, communicate and socialize on an unprecedented scale. These constant changes oblige everyone regardless the age, gender or profession to possess a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Technology Literacy. This evolution, forces, the promoters of education, to be always aware of changes that society is introducing outside of the classroom. Today students don’t have the same role that used to, independently of age, they are very active and no longer the same introverted child that studied a few years ago in the classrooms. Also the educational environments can be created anywhere and used everywhere. According to this, students are used to seeking different forms and ways of motivation in and out of the classroom, they need that the learning and teaching process move along with the society and ICT changes. In order to ensure the success of today’s students, it’s important to give them the technological skills to make the correct use of ICT, to perform essential tasks for their training such as research and information selection, problems solvers and decision makers, creative and effective users of productivity tools and communicators, collaborators, publishers and producers of contents. The main purpose of this communication is, to show a part of ICT tools that can be used in educational settings to support learners, helping them to develop key skills in their training process, it’s also relevant to show how these tools can help teachers to achieve these objectives on the daily activities.No século XXI e por causa do crescimento exponencial da Internet e das Tecnologias de Comunicação da Informação (TIC), as pessoas vivem numa era tecnológica, em todas as áreas e em todos os contextos. Temos contacto diário com tecnologia, com acesso à informação e associado a este fenómeno existe uma constante atualização de serviços tecnológicos e ferramentas que mudam os métodos de estudo, trabalho, comunicação e socialização numa escala sem precedentes. Essas mudanças constantes obrigam a todos, independentemente da idade, sexo ou profissão, a possuir uma gama de habilidades de pensamento funcional e crítico, como literacia para a informação, literacia para os media e literacia tecnológica. Essa evolução, força os responsáveis da educação, a estarem sempre conscientes das mudanças que a sociedade está introduzindo fora da sala de aula. Hoje, os alunos não têm o mesmo papel que há uns anos atrás. As crianças são muito ativas, não revelando os comportamentos introvertidos que anteriormente evidenciavam. Além disso, os ambientes educacionais podem ser criados em qualquer lugar e usados em todo o lado. Os alunos estão habituados a procurar diferentes formas de motivação dentro e fora da sala de aula, eles precisam que o processo de ensino-aprendizagem acompanhe as mudanças da sociedade e das TIC. A fim de garantir o sucesso dos estudantes de hoje, é importante dar-lhes as habilidades tecnológicas para fazer o uso correto das TIC, para executar tarefas essenciais para sua formação, como a pesquisa e seleção de informações, aprender a solucionar problemas e a tomar decisões a ser utilizadores efetivos das ferramentas de produtividade, comunicação e colaboração, bem como serem editores e produtores de conteúdos. O principal objetivo desta comunicação é mostrar uma parte das ferramentas de TIC que podem ser usadas em ambientes educacionais para apoiar os alunos, ajudando-os a desenvolver habilidades-chave no seu processo formativo. Pretendemos também mostrar como é que essas ferramentas podem ajudar os professores a alcançar os objetivos pedagógicos nas atividades diárias

    Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito

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    El primer volumen de los Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho/ Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito recoge los trabajos presentados en el ámbito de la segunda edición del EHLHD (Encuentro Hispano-Luso de Historiadores del Derecho/Encontro Hispano-Luso de Historiadores do Direito), celebrado los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2017 en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.Presentación / Laura Beck Varela y María Julia Solla Sastre (pp. 9-12). -- Quando il diritto era ancora compatto. Perché la storia giuridica svizzera è così diversa? / Pio Caroni (pp. 13-43). -- El derecho municipal medieval de la Cataluña Nueva (siglos XIII-XVII) / Josep Serrano Daura (pp. 45-62). -- Algunas consideraciones sobre el régimen local cantábrico frente al fomento naval y forestal en la Corona de Castilla (c.1560-1570) / Alfredo José Martínez González (pp. 63-91). -- Organização judiciária e administração da justiça no Portugal filipino: a “reformaçam da justiça” de Filipe I de Portugal (1582) / Jorge Veiga Testos (pp. 93-121). -- El oficio de secretario en la doctrina jurídica de la Edad Moderna / Marina Rojo Gallego-Burín (pp. 123-149). -- Notas sobre la reforma municipal carolina en Sevilla: la representación del común / María del Mar Tizón Ferrer (pp. 151-165). -- Un programa ilustrado para la formación de juristas. El Plan de Estudios de Pablo de Olavide de 1768 / Fernando Liendo Tagle (pp. 167-198). -- La formación del jurista en el virreinato del Perú en las postrimerías del antiguo régimen / Carlos Tormo Camallonga (pp. 199-237). -- Propiedad moderna y alteridad indígena en Brasil (1755-1862) / Camilla de Freitas Macedo (pp. 239-270). -- Direito, política e sociedade: as Novas Conquistas de Goa durante o Perismo. Os contributos de Nery Xavier e Cláudio Lagrange / Luís Pedroso de Lima Cabral de Oliveira y João Pedro Caleira (pp. 271-303). -- Horizonte nacional, espacio tradicional. La construcción jurídica de la nación y el extranjero en la constitución de Cádiz / Iván Pastoriza Martínez (pp. 305-337). -- La disolución de los consejos: entre quiebras, confusiones y continuidad (1834-1836) / Antonio Manuel Luque Reina (pp. 339-371). -- Justicia legal y derecho judicial: la influencia de la jurisprudencia en la formación de la ciencia jurídica isabelina / Blanca Sáenz de Santa María Gómez-Mampaso (pp. 373-409). -- Nuevas etiquetas disciplinares y sus contiendas: las ciencias políticas ante el derecho en Francia (1871-1900) / Pedro Luis López Herráiz (pp. 411-449). -- O casamento na legislação de 1910 em Portugal. A mudança de paradigma nas relações familiares / Miriam Afonso Brigas (pp. 451-479). -- Primeira Lei do Contrato de Trabalho em Portugal: Lei nº 1.952, de 10 de Março de 1937 / Margarida Seixas (pp. 481-513). -- A Revisão Constitucional de 1971: o Projecto de Lei 6/X da “Ala Liberal” num contexto de tensões internas no Marcelismo / Filipe de Arede Nunes (pp. 515-543)

    Educational Modelling & Simulation for Kids. Proposta de uma Abordagem para o 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraNo ensino das Ciências há a necessidade de avaliar o comportamento de sistemas dinâmicos. A análise desses sistemas pelos alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico é geralmente um processo complexo e que exige um grande esforço cognitivo. A representação e a explicação de processos através de modelos ou simulações educacionais possibilitam aos alunos a realização de actividades em que é mais fácil a compreensão destes processos e a descoberta das propriedades essenciais de um sistema. A realização de actividades de modelação ou simulação que promovam a interpretação e a compreensão de sistemas são actividades de aprendizagem em que os alunos têm a possibilidade de criar e testar as suas próprias percepções sobre um determinado fenómeno. Apesar deste tipo de actividades potenciar o desenvolvimento de capacidades como a reflexão, a tomada de decisão, a criatividade e a generalização a utilização destas actividades em contextos educativos é muito esporádica. As dificuldades sentidas pelos professores em utilizar este tipo de actividades prendem-se com os tipos de modelos que usualmente são utilizados para representar um sistema, as especificidades necessárias para representá-los, o grau de complexidade das ferramentas de modelação e de simulação para o fazerem e, por último, a falta de preparação para implementarem actividades práticas de investigação. Neste trabalho de investigação apresentamos a metodologia Modelling for Kids de apoio ao desenvolvimento de actividades de modelação e de simulação multissensoriais georreferenciadas para o 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta metodologia enumera um conjunto de normas que visam assessorar o professor e o aluno na realização destas actividades. A metodologia identifica as estratégias, os contextos de utilização, as áreas curriculares onde podem ser inseridas estas actividades. Identifica também os processos de análise e de representação de sistemas dinâmicos. Devido à importância e às vantagens da informação multissensorial georreferenciada na aprendizagem, a metodologia também prescreve que professores e alunos usem este tipo de informação nas actividades de modelação e de simulação. Além disso, apresentamos a ferramenta-autor Simulkids, desenvolvida tendo em consideração as normas definidas na metodologia Modelling for Kids e que permitiu à equipa de investigação promover sessões de trabalho em várias escolas Portuguesas do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, nas quais participaram activamente os professores e os alunos, com o objectivo de comprovarmos as potencialidades da referida metodologia. As sessões de trabalho realizadas permitiram-nos atestar que os alunos têm as capacidades cognitivas necessárias para realizar actividades de modelação e de simulação, as quais podem fomentar a mudança dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem, tornando-os mais eficientes, motivadores e melhorando, inclusive, as aprendizagens.In Science teaching there is the need to assess dynamic systems behaviour. Dynamic systems analysis by elementary school children is usually a complex process that demands a great cognitive effort. The representation and explanation of complex processes using models or simulations allow students to carry out educational activities in which it is easier to understand these processes and to discover the essential properties of a system. Carrying out simulation or modelling activities, that promote the interpretation and understanding of a system, are tasks where students can create and test their own perceptions about a particular phenomenon. Although these types of activities enhance the development of skills such as reflection, decision making, creativity and generalization, they are seldom used in Elementary Education. Teachers’ difficulties in introducing modelling and simulation activities are due to the types of models that are usually used to represent a system, the specifics needed to represent them, the complexity of modelling and simulation tools available and, finally, the unpreparedness of teachers to implement research activities. In this work we present the methodology Modelling for Kids to support the development of geo-referenced multisensory modelling and simulation activities for Elementary Education. This methodology states a set of rules with the objective to support the teacher and the student in implementing these activities. The methodology identifies the strategies, the contexts, the curriculum areas where these activities can be included. It also identifies the processes of analysis and representation of dynamical systems Taking into consideration the importance and the advantages of geo-referenced multisensory information in the learning process the methodology also has instructions for teachers and students to use this kind of information in modelling and simulation activities. Besides, we present the Simulkids authoring-tool, that was developed according to the criteria set by the Modelling for Kids methodology and that allowed the research team to promote working sessions in various Portuguese elementary schools, in which teachers and students were actively involved. These sessions had the aim of verifying the potential of the Modelling for Kids methodology. They also allowed us to attest that these students have the needed cognitive abilities to perform modelling and simulation activities, which can lead to a change in teaching and learning processes, making them more efficient, motivating and even improving learning

    El juego como estrategia didáctica en la formación del profesorado en TIC y discapacidad

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    In recent years, considerable progress has been made in analyzing ICTs as significant instruments that favor the inclusion of people with different types of cognitive, sensory, or motor diversity. Although there are quality practices linked to the use of ICT and an increasing interest in the educational use of these technologica l tools, there is still a great concern to solve the different difficulties in digital competence that teachers present, and even more in contexts of diversity. Therefore, teachers are configured as a key element to achieve full inclusion of ICT in the cla ssroom. To carry out a diagnosis in relation to the training and knowledge of Primary School teachers, in active employment, in relation to ICT applied to people wi th functional diversity. Qualitative research design, developed from the Grounded Theory app roach. The information has been obtained from the analysis of 52 interviews conducted with professionals in the education sector of the Spanish state (members of management teams, ICT coordinators, directors and technological advisors of traini ng centers). It should be noted that the participants accurately recognize the benefits that these technological tools bring to students with functional diversity and play as a teaching tool. The low training of teachers to apply ICT to people with disabilities stands out. The game is presented as a first order strategy for the application of ICT to students with disabilities.En los últimos años se ha avanzado bastante al analizar las TIC como instrumentos significativos que favorecen la inclusión de las personas con diferentes tipos de diversidad cognitivas, sensoriales, o motóricas. A pesar de que existen prácticas de calidad vinculadas al uso de las TIC y cada vez un mayor interés en el uso educativo de estas herramientas tecnológicas, sigue existiendo una gran preocupación por resolver las diferentes dificultades en competencia digital que presentan los docentes, y más aún en contextos de diversidad. Por tanto, el profesorado se configura como un elemento clave para lograr una plena in clusión de las TIC en las aulas. Realizar un diagnóstico en relación con la formación y conocimiento del profesorado de Educación Primaria, en activo, en relación con las TIC aplicadas a personas c on diversidad funcional. Diseño de investigación de corte c ualitativo, desarrollado desde el enfoque de la Grounded Theory. La información se ha obtenido a partir del análisis de 52 entrevistas realizadas a profesionales del sector educativo del estado español (miembros de equipos directivos, coordinadores TIC, di rectores y asesores tecnológicos de cen tros de formación). Cabe destacar que los participantes reconocen, de forma precisa, los beneficios que aportan estas herramientas tecnológicas al alumnado con diversidad funcional y el juego como he rramienta didáctic a. Se destaca la baja capacitación del profesorado para aplicar las TIC a las personas con discapacidad. El juego se presenta como una estrateg ia de primer orden para aplicación de las TIC al alumnado con discapacida

    Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho

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    El primer volumen de los Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho/ Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito recoge los trabajos presentados en el ámbito de la segunda edición del EHLHD (Encuentro Hispano-Luso de Historiadores del Derecho/Encontro Hispano-Luso de Historiadores do Direito), celebrado los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2017 en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid